The break down of the family is a difficult time for everyone involved. Emotions are raw, especially when children are a factor of the marriage breakdown.
Parenting Plans
Parenting Plans can be agreed between both parents and they may or may not be registered with the Family Court. Parents can try a plan and see if it works, making adjustments where required.
Consent Orders
Consent Orders can be drafted when both parties agree on the access and residency of their children, and they are then filed in the Family Court.Consent orders are similar to Parenting Plans, and may be in the form of interim or final orders.
We always seek to draft orders that are in the best interest of the child and work with parties who also commit to that philosophy.
Financial Agreements
Increasingly, financial agreements are being sought as a quicker time frame to finalise their property settlement.We offer financial agreements at a fixed fee, however, caution must be taken when entering into an agreement as they can be set aside by the court, even if the parties have agreed to an unfair agreement.
Property Consent Orders
Consent Orders require the Court to review and seal before they are effective.The Court will take into consideration all the circumstances regarding the interests each party has in the property to be divided.
Section 79(4) Family Law Act 1975 (Cth) are the circumstances the Court considers.
When you are ready for us to represent you bring the documents as listed in the download button below.
Wills - Contesting a Will - Estate Administration - Enduring Power of Attorney - Advanced Health Directives
Wills are not simple - deciding how to distribute your Estate after you pass can be complex, and what happens if a family provision claim is brought by a beneficiary. We believe your will is more than a tick and flick process, and requires a better understanding of you so we can provide you fully informed advice.
Your estate may be over $1Mil by the time you pass - do you really want a cheap as chips Will or a home made Will?
Contesting a Will, may not necessarily mean you have to go to court, an agreement can be reached with the executors if you can satisfy that at the time of death, you were:
Contesting the Will is about you getting what you're entitled to, and that the deceased should have considered you, and provided for you.
Find someone you trust who would be willing to take on the responsibility.
They must:
For personal matters, consider family members or a close friend who understands your personal wishes and health care needs.
For a Financial Attorney, consider someone who is responsible with their own money and understands financial matters. The person you appoint must not be bankrupt.
Be careful who you choose as your attorney. You’ are potentially giving another person total control over your assets and the ability to make personal decisions about your health care and accommodation when you can’t do so yourself.
An Attorney must:
Proving a Will (Probate) is the process of submitting the Will to the Supreme Court for examination, who check for its validity and if there are any holes or impressions on the Will paper (where there may have been something attached). The Court will also authorise you to deal with the Estate if you are named as executor or have been granted Letters of Administration.
Administering the Estate can be complex and becomes quite difficult, especially where a family member or beneficiary believes the Testator did not have capacity or has not provided for them.
We work with Executors who choose to do much of the 'leg work' themselves by contacting Superannuation funds, ATO, Centrelink, Banks and Utilities (telephone, electricity, water, gas etc.) and this can reduce the Estate administration costs.
If you are an Executor/Administrator, there is no requirement you must use the Law Practice where the Will is stored you can chose any Solicitor.
Give us a call if you want us to quote on assisting you to administer the estate with you.
An Advanced Health Directive are your instructions to your appointed attorney on how your health care will be administered where you have lost capacity.
These are very important documents when you enter the end stage of life and your palliative care decisions are needed to be made.
This is how you pass with dignity by leaving instructions for those who care about you and what you want your palliative care to be.
Conveyancing in Queensland is complex and is affected by at least 20 different pieces of State and Federal legislation, contract conditions, extensive case law and practice guidelines and that's why our Solicitors do our property conveyancing .
We are not a conveyancing farm, and you are not just a number to us.
We pride ourselves on working with you, assisting you to realise that dream home.
Call us if you want to talk over the conditions of an REIQ contract before you sign.
We know that you want the peace of mind that it will all go smoothly like clockwork, and in many cases it will. but only if you organise the discharge of the mortgage with your bank.
All too often, the time needed for the bank to prepare for discharging their interest in the property becomes a mad dash on the day of settlement or you may need to request an extension of settlement date.
When you list your property with the Agent, obtain the necessary paperwork from your bank, and fill it out ready for lodging when the contract becomes unconditional.
Can I get a short settlement date? - Sometimes this may not be appropriate as searches need to be completed and the buyer must have time to finalise their due diligence.
Call us if you want to talk over the conditions of an REIQ contract before you sign.
We provide legal services for employers and employees who have been involved in dismissal, redundancies, workplace bullying, Workplace Health and Wellbeing.
We provide advice to employers on the proper process to ensure a termination of employment is not harsh, unjust or unreasonable, and we can investigate and advise on workplace culture and allegations of workplace bullying.
If you wish to have us contact you about staff issues or require representation, click the button below, fill out the online form and we will contact you within 24 hours of us receiving the form.
An unlawful dismissal may occur when your employer has terminated your employment for exercising a workplace right, engaged in an industrial activity or you were discriminated against.
If you think you have been unfairly/unlawfully dismissed click the button below, fill out the online form and we will contact you within 24 hours of us receiving the form.
Traffic Offences - DUI - Domestic Violence Orders - Child Protection - Government Decisions
Driving Offences
Civil Application for Family and Domestic Violence.
Domestic violence includes a wide range of behaviours that control or dominate someone, or cause them to fear for their personal safety or wellbeing. These behaviours may include:
Threats are also viewed as Domestic Violence including:
Domestic violence extends to children seeing violence, like their parent being hurt, being called names, things being broken or police arriving.
If you are experiencing domestic violence, you can apply for a domestic violence order (DVO)., which sets out conditions that must be obeyed by the person who has committed the violence (‘the respondent’).
An application process for a full protection order can take several weeks. If you’re in danger currently, you can apply for a temporary protection order until the full order is finalised.
Call us for a confidential appointment regarding a DVO.
The paramount principal is that the safety, wellbeing and best interests of a child are the key focus of every decision. When the Department of Communities and Child Safety are making a decision under the Child Protection Act 1994 (Qld ) where there is a conflict between the child’s safety, wellbeing and best interests, and the interests of an adult caring for the child, the conflict must be resolved in favour of the child’s safety, wellbeing and best interests.
We can bring applications on your behalf or defend matters brought against you under the Act.
Contact us promptly once you receive a notice from Child Safety so we can assist you with the best outcome to ensure the best interests of your child are met.
There is a very short time from when you receive your decision to when an appeal can be lodged. Contact us promptly once you receive your decisions in writing, and we will advise on your options for appeal.
Buying or Selling a Farm - Buying, Selling or Leasing Machinery - Crop Protection
The contract is very important to get right. We prefer you use the REIQ/QLS approved Contract for Commercial Land and Buildings.
When you are buying a farm, you need to ensure what you are paying for - what is included :
We understand the complexities of buying and selling farms, and we can advise you before you sign the contract.
Buying, Selling Machinery or Leasing
All contracts must have terms that are fair, meaning you should negotiate terms of the contract especially those clauses that appear on sided.
As with any contract, read the fine print and ask questions before signing, Ensure you are specific about the performance and capability of what you want the machinery to do, and have those characteristics added into the contract.
Then check the following provisions before you sign.
Always check with your accountant regarding any tax implications.
You can register your produce before freighting to your agent, protecting you in the event they go bankrupt, or sell your produce without paying you.
You become a secured creditor and may be able to recover your losses.
Contact us about how to register your crops on the PPSR for each agent.
Retirement Village Contracts - Elder Abuse - Manufactured Home Contracts - Reverse Mortgages
And it's not just retirees who stand to lose out. Depending on how long you stay, the ongoing management fees and exit costs allowed by the contracts can do as much damage to your children's (or other beneficiaries') financial future as your own – especially if you move out within the first five years. A big chunk of whatever inheritance might have come their way could end up in the village operator's pocket.
It's complicated... Why can't you know the full costs beforehand? Retirement village contracts have complicated and confusing fee rates and payment schedules, making cost comparisons between villages all but impossible.
.. and it's costly. The upshot is that it's very hard to know how bad the deal is until you decide to leave the village, whether the operator exaggerated its charms or because you just need to move out. At that point you might find out the undisclosed and unexpected exit costs have made your village unit a very poor investment indeed.
We understand retirement village issues and will review the contract, ensuring you understand all fees and how they'll be applied.
We explain in plain english:
Always get three quotes from other villages in the same area - that are operated by different owners.
Call us before you sign to obtain our written contract advice.
Elder abuse may be:
and can include mistreatment and neglect.
Sometimes family, friends and carers may not know that their actions amount to elder abuse.
Elder abuse violates an older person’s basic right to feel safe. It is a controlling behaviour or action which frightens or intimidates and can be illegal. It can occur at any time and be subtle to extreme.
If you, your client or someone you know is experiencing elder abuse, please contact us for a confidential discussion.
Manufactured homes do not include caravans or tents. Manufactured homes in residential parks are legislated by the Manufactured Homes (Residential Parks) Act 2003 (Qld)..
You are considered a manufactured home owner for the purposes of the Act if:
Advice and Conveyancing
We do conveyancing for buyers of Manufactured Homes.
Before you enter into a purchase of a Manufactured Home ensure you are provided with the following:
Please call us for a fixed fee price on the conveyance of your manufactured home.
If you reverse mortgage your home then consider the situation when either or both of you will need to go into a retirement home in the future, for you or your partner's higher care needs. It is likely you will need to sell your home prior to you purchasing into the retirement village.
Before you enter into a reverse mortgage ask your adviser these two questions:
If you are not happy about the responses - Give us a call we will assist you with understanding the ins and outs of reverse mortgages.

Commercial Law
Buying or Selling Commercial Property - Leasing a Shop or Building - Debt Collecting - Buying or Selling a Business
Due Diligence is a process of conducting searches with a range of government departments, reviewing the documents, providing you written advice which explains the issues relating to your purchase or sale.
We believe we provide a high value service at a competitive price.
Retail Shop Leasing
When leasing a shop you must to meet the requirements of the Retail Shop Leases Act 1994 (Qld).This can be quite a complex process but we can assist and work through this with you.
Assigning the lease
If you' are selling your business and the lease has not reached the end of its term then you will need to assign the lease to the new tenant as part of the sale of business.
This is a complex process and it is recommended that each party, you, your landlord and the new tenant should all have representation to ensure the legalities involved are all completed correctly, the lease property assigned or a new lease issued and the title is registered to the new tenant.
Do NOT let the new tenant occupy your premises until the lease has been assigned and the title has transferred to the new tenant.
If you want to get the process started here are some forms you can download fill out and engage us to have the lease assigned.
We work with you asking the questions and providing you with the information to best negotiate on buying or selling your business.

Maritime Law
Recovering debts owed by Boat and Ship Owners, Defending Maritime Charges
Recovering debts owed from Boat/Ship owners
We can assist with other maritime options that may ensure you are paid for your bona fide supply and/orservices.
Call us to discuss your circumstances obtain a fixed price fee for recovering your expenses.
Defending charges for Maritime Offences
Our real world maritime knowledge and skills, may assist you in a successful defence.